Melanoma skin cancer Symptoms and treatment options

Melanoma skin cancer: Symptoms and treatment options

Skin cancers such as melanoma, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas are the most common forms of cancer. The statistics for the number of people diagnosed with new cases of skin cancer each year are not available.Melanoma skin cancer Symptoms and treatment options

Because the early detection methods, increased sun exposure and aging population, rates of increase skin cancer annually.

What is skin?

In order to understand the differences between basal and squamous cell cancers, you need to know about the function and structure of the skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ and functions in several different ways:


  • It protects and covers the internal organs of the body
  • It acts as a barrier to germs such as bacteria
  • Prevents fluid loss and water in the body
  • Help in regulating body temperature

Skin has three layers, the dermis, epidermis and subcutaneous. The epidermis is the upper layer of the skin, which protects the underlying layers of the tissues and organs from environmental elements. The middle layer of the skin is called the dermis, which is considerably thicker than the epidermis.

The dermis contains sweat glands, hair follicles, blood vessels and nerves that are held in place with collagen (an insoluble fibrous protein). The subcutaneous layer or subcutaneous tissue is the final and deepest layer of the skin, which retains heat and protects internal organs from injury.

Different types of skin cancer

Melanomas are skin cancers that begin from melanocytes, which are cells that produce pigmentation (responsible skin color). Melanocytes can also cause benign skin growths called moles. Nonmelanoma skin cancers are groups of cells that are not cancerous, these types of growths tend to act in a completely different from melanomas.

Keratinocyte carcinomas or keratinocyte cancers are the second leading type of skin cancer. When examined under a microscope these cancers share some of the same features as keratinocytes, the most common type of cell found in normal skin. Basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinoma are most commonly diagnosed forms of cancers keratinocytes.

When basal cell carcinomas viewed under a microscope this cancer cells share features with the lowest layer of the epidermis. Between 1 and 8 cases of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, which usually develop on the ears, neck and head, and is usually found in middle-aged and older.

Because basal cell carcinomas are slow growing, it is very rare for this type of cancer to spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body nearby. However, if left untreated, the cancer can spread to nearby areas and affect the bones and other tissues under the skin. After treatment, basal cell carcinomas can be back in the same spot of the skin and almost half of all people diagnosed experience a recurrence within 5 years.

Squamous cell carcinomas account for about 2 out of 10 cases of skin cancer and usually occur on the face, lips, neck, ears and back of hands. Often this type of cancer starts in the actinic keratosis (a premalignant condition) and sometimes form in the genital area. Squamous cell cancer is more aggressive than basal cell and is more likely to invade the fatty tissue under the skin and spread to lymph nodes or distant sites.

Keratoacanthomas are cancerous growths that are found in skin areas that experience a high level of sun exposure. Many keraoacanthomas be reduced or disappear spontaneously and do not require treatment, but some continue to grow and can spread to other parts of the body. The growth of a keroacanthoma is difficult to predict and dermatologists and skin specialists many believe is best seen as a form of skin cancer squamous cell.

Less common forms of skin cancer

Melanomas and keroacanthomas are two of the most common forms of skin cancer, however, there are also some less common forms. These cancers are known as “types of non-melanoma skin cancer,” and are quite different from keratinocyte cancers and require different treatments.

Types of non-melanoma skin cancer include the following:

  • The Merkel cell carcinoma
  • Cutaneous skin
  • Kaposi Sarcoma
  • adnexal skin tumors
  • Various types of sarcomas

When all these cancers are combined, they represent less than 1% of all cancers diagnosed nonmelanoma skin.


The Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare type of skin cancer that develops in the (hormone-producing cells), cells of the neuroendocrine skin. Merkle cell carcinomas are believed to be caused by exposure to the sun and can start anywhere, but are mainly in the head, neck and arms. Cancers of this type often return after being treated and can spread to lymph nodes and other internal organs, which is not common squamous cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinoma.

Before the 1980s, Kaposi’s sarcoma was rare and occurs mostly in people over Mediterranean origin. Kaposi sarcoma typically starts within the dermis, but also can be found in the internal organs. This type of cancer has become more common, as is common in people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Cutaneous Lymphomas are cancers that start in lymphocytes, which are a type of immune system cells found in the bone marrow (the soft, spongy inner part in some types of bones), lymph nodes (cells bean shaped the immune) systems, blood and internal organs.

Although most lymphomas start in lymph nodes or internal organs, there are certain types that can appear to begin within the skin. The most common type of primary cutaneous lymphoma is diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungicides’ call).

adnexal tumors begin in hair follicles or skin glands. Although it is very rare that tumors of this type are malignant, benign tumors of this nature are common.

Sarcomas develop in connective tissue cells, normally found deep under the skin. Less commonly sarcomas develop in the dermis and the subcutaneous layer of the skin. There are many types of sarcomas that develop in the skin, such as dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and angiosarcoma (cancer of blood vessels).

Most tumors found in the skin are benign and rarely develop into cancer. Tumors of this type include the following:

  • Moles (most types)
  • Hemangiomas: benign blood vessels, often referred to as strawberry marks, hemangiomas and stork bites
  • Lipomas: soft benign growth of fat cells.
  • Sebhorrheic keratosis: brown, beige or black raised spots with a similar waxy rough surface or appearance.
  • warts growths or less paved that are caused by a virus

pre-cancerous or pre-invasive skin conditions can become skin cancer or possibly could be skin cancer early. the following some forms include:

  • Actinic keratosis: a precancerous skin condition also known as solar keratosis, caused by excessive exposure to direct sunlight. These are small back rough spots that are usually pinkish-red or flesh colored and usually develop on the ears, face, arms and hands. Usually they occur in the elderly population and people with fair skin, although it can occur in any other area of the body receiving excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen ‘s disease): the condition is the earliest form of squamous cell carcinoma in situ indicates that these types of cancer cells are still in full within the epidermal layer and have not spread the dermis. Appearing as red spots, patches of Bowen ‘s disease are larger compared to actinic keratoses. This form is less invasive than other types of skin cancers, and Bowen ‘s anus and genital skin disease are most likely due to the human papillomavirus (HPV).

What are the risk factors associated with skin cancer?

Risk factors are things that affect people the opportunity to develop a disease, like cancer. Different cancers have different risk factors, but have an increased risk does not mean a person will definitely develop cancer. The following list contains the known risk factors for basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell, (but the list does not apply to other forms of cancer nonmelanoma skin, such as cutaneous lymphoma and Kaposi’s sarcoma):

  • Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure: is believed to be the biggest risk factor associated with skin cancer. Exposure to direct sunlight is the most common form of UV radiation, other sources include sunlamps and tanning booths, overexposure can lead to damage to the genes of skin cells. Sun exposure in youth is one of the many things that increase the chances of developing skin cancer.
  • Be clear skin: risk factors for skin cancer are higher for ethnic Caucasians than for African Americans Latinos. Because of the protective effect of melanin (skin pigmentation), Caucasian (light – colored) skin complexion clear that freckle or burn easily, have a higher risk. This accounts for the highest rates of skin cancer in Australia and the British Isles. People with congenital (present at birth) albinism have no skin pigment, skin white pink and white hair. Due to the lack of melanin and a high risk of skin cancer, albinos must be extremely careful to protect the skin from UV rays.
  • Increasing age: with age, the risk of squamous cell carcinoma increases, perhaps in part due to the accumulation of excessive sun exposure over a lifetime. However, cancers of this type are now appearing in the younger population, which is probably due to spend more time in the sun and not have adequate protection or use of sunscreen.
  • Men: Men are twice as likely as a woman to develop basal cell cancer, and three times more likely to have squamous cell tumors, it is believed that the cause of being associated with higher levels of sun exposure.
  • Being exposed to certain chemicals: exposure to large amounts of arsenic is directly related to an increased risk of skin cancer. Arsenic is a metal found naturally in well water, and is also used in the manufacture of some types of pesticides and drugs. People working around coal, tar, paraffin and certain types of oils may also have an increased risk of non – melanoma skin cancer.


  • Exposure to radiation: people who have received radiation treatment have a greater chance of developing skin cancer in the same area that was treated. Children who have received radiation treatment have special problems because of this fact. Most types of cancers that develop from radiation exposure are basal cell carcinomas.
  • history of skin cancer: people who have had a previous diagnosis of skin cancer have a much higher likelihood of relapse.
  • Long – term inflammation or severe skin lesion: although the risk is small, people with burn scars or areas of skin over bone infections and skin lesions of chronic inflammation, are more likely to develop cancers skin keratinocytes.
  • Treatment of Psoriasis: psoralen and UV treatment are two common protocols of treatment for psoriasis (chronic inflammatory skin disorder), people who have had these treatments are more likely to have squamous cell skin cancer and other forms as well.
  • xeroderma pigmentosum (XP): a rare inherited condition, the capacity of the skin is reduced to repair damaged deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). People with XP often develop skin cancer, which sometimes begin in childhood.
  • syndrome cell nevus syndrome: rare condition, congenital (present at birth) that causes various types of skin cancer. Most cases of this disease are inherited, affected individuals often have jaw bones, eyes and nerve tissue abnormalities.
  • compromised immune system: the immune system helps the body fight infections, diseases and cancer of the skin and other organs. People who have a compromised immune system (due to certain diseases, such as HIV or medical treatment, such as an organ transplant) are more likely to develop non – melanoma skin cancer.
  • The human papillomavirus (HPV): the human papillomavirus is a group of more than 100 different viruses that can cause papillomas (warts). Certain types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts, which are related with skin cancer occur in these areas.
  • Smoking: people who smoke are more prone to squamous cell skin cancer, especially on the lips.
  • Genetic susceptibility: researchers have found that certain groups of people are more likely to develop skin cancer than others, this type of person that chromosomes are prone to sun damage.

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What causes skin cancer?

Exposure to UV radiation unprotected causes most basal cell and squamous cell skin. Overexposure may have occurred years before the development of skin cancer, but repeated unprotected exposure to the sun for a long period of time increases the risk. UV radiation damages DNA, sometimes, the damage may affect certain genes (DNA segments with a specific function) that control cell growth and function.

In most cases, the body can repair DNA damage due to overexposure, however, if it has not been too much in some cases can lead to skin cancer. Researchers do not know how all the changes in DNA can cause skin cancer, but it is known that many forms of skin cancer contain changes in tumor suppressor genes that normally keep cells from growing rapidly.

The most common gene is mutated in skin cancers basal cell is “patched” gene. This tumor suppressor gene normally regulates cell growth, however, changes to this particular gene can lead to uncontrolled cell growth. These changes in tumor suppressor genes play a critical role in the development of skin cancer, along with many others.

Scientists are investigating the links between changes in DNA and skin cancer. In the future, a better understanding of how damaged DNA is linked to skin cancer can be useful when it comes to finding treatments to overcome or repair cell damage.

Can you prevent skin cancer?

While not all forms of skin cancer can be prevented, there are ways that a person can reduce certain risk factors. The following information includes how to limit the risk of skin cancer:

  • Limit ultraviolet exposure: one of the most important ways that a person can reduce the risk of skin cancers basal and squamous cell is to limit exposure to UV rays. Practice sun safety, use eye protection, wear sunscreen regularly, put on a shirt and fur hat large at any time exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Wear protective clothing: clothing offers different levels of protection from sun exposure. Long – sleeved shirts, long pants and long skirts offer a person greater protection and darker colors generally provide more protection than lighter – colored clothing. Some clothing manufacturers are now making clothes that are lightweight and offer UV protection, even when wet. The higher the level of sunscreen, it offers greater protection against UV rays.
  • Regular use of sunscreens: regular use of sunscreen is recommended as part of a regimen of UV protection. The use of sunscreens and lip balms with SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or more is especially important when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time in hot or high altitude environment, and for the peak sun hours (10 am to 4 pm).
  • Wrap around sunglasses: up to 99% of the rays can be absorbed by the use of sunglasses. When shopping for sunglasses, look for brands that block both UVA and UVB rays, check whether the label “meets ANSI UV requirements,” no label, sunglasses may not provide adequate protection.
  • Stay in the shade: limit UV exposure by seeking shade areas outdoors during the hours of sunlight from 10 am to 4 pm. If a person is not sure of the intensity of the sun’s rays are making test the shade is necessary: if your shadow is shorter than one person, the sun ‘s rays are strongest and the person should seek the shade.
  • UV Index: the amount of UV rays that reach the ground, depends on several factors; the time of day and year, elevation and cloud cover. The National Weather Service and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have developed the UV index, which helps people better understand the intensity of UV rays. If the number of the UV index is high means that there is a greater likelihood of sunburn, skin damage and the development of skin cancers of all types.
  • Do not use other types of ultraviolet light: the use of tanning beds or sun lamps is dangerous because UV radiation delivered, can cause skin damage. Growing evidence suggests long – term use increases the chances of getting skin cancer, most doctors recommend that people avoid tanning beds and sunlamps completely.
  • Protect children from the sun: young children require special attention, as they spend more time outdoors and can become sunburned easier sun. Parents and child care providers must protect children from long periods of sun exposure and always have a program of protection against the sun. Wearing hats, sunscreen and goggles is always advisable to avoid direct exposure during peak hours (10 am to 4 pm) should be observed.
  • Sun exposure and vitamin D: Vitamin D has many health benefits, and can reduce the risk of some cancers. Vitamin D is produced naturally by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. The amount of vitamin D in the skin produces depends on the age, skin color and intensity of sunlight. For children living in an area with very little sunlight or have darker skin tone, a supplement of vitamin D may be necessary.
  • Avoid hazardous chemicals: Exposure to certain harmful chemicals such as arsenic, may increase the risk of skin cancer. People may be exposed to arsenic in well water, pesticides, herbicides, some types of drugs, medicines and herbal professional basis. High levels of arsenic should be avoided.
  • be educated about preventing skin cancer: Several organizations conduct workshops skin cancer and prevention activities in schools, parks and recreational areas. There are brochures and public service announcements designed to educate people about the need for prevention of skin cancer.

Can skin cancer be detected early?

Many cancers can be detected early and as part of a routine check up cancer, a doctor should do a thorough check of the skin and give special attention to moles and other skin abnormalities. It is also important that a person carries out regular checks of the skin and moles, blemishes, freckles and other marks, self-examination should be done in a well lit area in front of a full-length mirror and a hand mirror is You are used for areas difficult to see.

The examination of all areas, including the palms and soles, scalp, ears, nails and toenails and back is necessary. Have a friend or family member to help in the difficult areas to see is a good idea too.

The appearance of skin cancer can be seen as a variety of other marks on the skin, which is why it is so important to do a complete review of all areas of the body. New growths, spots that are growing bigger or changing and sores that do not heal are all warning signs of skin cancer and should not be ignored.


How skin cancer diagnosed?

If an abnormal area of skin has the possibility of skin cancer, there are a number of medical examinations and tests that can be done in order to make a definitive diagnosis. If there is a likelihood of skin cancer spreading to other parts of the body, other tests may be performed.

Symptoms of skin cancer rarely become a problem until the cancer grows, at this point, bleeding and pain are possible.

Basal cell carcinomas often appear as firm, flat areas, a raised profile pale, and the area may bleed after being wounded. Basal cell cancers have one or more visible abnormal blood vessels that have a depressed center, blue areas, black or brown and large basal cell cancers may have a discharge or surface crust.

Squamous cell carcinomas appear as lumps or growing lumps, smooth surface or may be slow growing, patches reddishpink color, flat on the surface of the skin.

Both these types of skin cancer non-melanoma can develop as a flat area posing on flight changes in the appearance of normal skin.

There are other types of skin cancer melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which include the following:

  • Syndrome Kaposi: usually begins as a small area like hematoma that could later develop into tumors.
  • The mycosis fungoides: (form of lymphoma that begins in the skin) usually starts as a rash, often on the buttocks, lower abdomen and skin. They may look similar to skin allergies and other forms of skin irritation.
  • adnexal tumors: look small lumps within the skin.
  • Sarcomas Skin: resemble large masses beneath the surface of the skin.
  • The Merkel cell tumors: usually appear as firm, pink, red or purple nodules (hard, round, spherical abnormal structure) or ulcers (erosions) on the face, legs or arms.

If the doctor thinks a person has skin cancer, one or more of the following things will be done to confirm the diagnosis:

  • History and physical: a doctor will perform a medical history, including age, note that the marks on the skin first, changes in the size or shape of the marks, prior exposure to known causes of cancer met skin and if there is a family history of skin cancer. The doctor write down the size, shape, color and texture, and if there is bleeding or peeling of skin spots. The whole body will be evaluated to check for marks or moles, lymph nodes be examined, if necessary the doctor may make a referral to a dermatologist for further consultation.
  • Skin biopsy If the doctor suspects a mark on the body could be skin cancer, a sample is taken from the area and sent when examined under the microscope. Depending on the size of the mark, the location and type of suspected cancer, several different methods of skin biopsy could be used.
  • Lymph node biopsy: if the doctor feels swollen lymph glands or firmness, lymph node biopsy can be performed to determine if the skin cancer has spread.

How skin cancer classified?

Staging is the method used to determine how widespread it may be a cancer. Cancer basal cell rarely spreads to other organs or body parts, so rarely is staging unless the cancer area is quite large. Squamous cell cancers have an increased risk of propagation as staging becomes sometimes, especially in those with a higher risk of propagation.

The TNM system is used to determine the stage of cancer development it is present in the body. Physical exams and tests are used to assign T, N and M status and a group stage of cancer. The TNM staging system of cancer is synonymous 3 key pieces of information; T stands for tumor, N stands for spread to nearby lymph nodes and M is metastasis (spread to distant internal organs).

How skin cancer treated?

The treatments described below apply to actinic cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, the Merkel cell carcinoma, lymphoma, Kaposi’s syndrome and other sarcomas:

  • Surgery: most forms of basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma can be easily treated with minor surgery and drug application to the skin surface. For certain types of skin cancer are more likely to spread, surgery will be followed by radiation or chemotherapy.
  • forms of local therapy: various types of techniques can be used to treat skin cancer that has not metastasized to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. Some of these methods are considered as “surgery” because they can destroy an area of tissue in the body. However, these techniques do not involve the use of scalpels or cutting of the skin.
  • Radiation therapy: the use of energy rays and particles (protons, photons or electrons) to kill cancer cells. Radiation treatment is concentrated on the outside of the body and is the primary treatment with surgery to treat skin cancer. Radiation can also be used in conjunction with other therapies, and can be used as adjuvant therapy after surgery to remove any deposit remaining small cancer.
  • Systemic chemotherapy ( “chemo”): the use of cancer drugs injected into a vein or given orally. The drug travels through the bloodstream to all parts of the body. Systemic chemotherapy can attack cancer cells that have spread to lymph nodes and other areas. Side effects from chemotherapy include; hair loss, weight loss, mouth sores, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, decreased resistance to infection and easy bleeding and bruising.

Side effects associated with chemotherapy will decrease once concluded treatment.

  • Clinical trials: studies conducted carefully controlled research with real patients cancer. Studies were conducted to see if a new treatment method is safe and effective, how well it works and how the patient responds. Other tests may be done to find new ways to diagnose or treat a disease.
  • Willingness and Alternative Therapies: complementary treatments are done to help a person feel better and relieve the side effects associated with traditional cancer treatments. On the other hand they offered alternative therapies instead of standard medical care. To avoid any dangers or harmful side effects, a cancer patient should consult a doctor before trying complementary or alternative treatments for skin cancer.
  • The basal cell carcinomas rarely spread, but can invade nearby tissues if left untreated. The choice of treatment depends on the age of patient preferences, tumor size, general health and patient. The following methods have proven effective in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma; electrodessication and curettage, simple excision (cutting tumor), Mohs surgery (used in treating large tumors when the edges are near the nose, ears, eyes, scalp, forehead, fingers and / or genitals), radiation, immune response modifiers, photodynamic therapy, cryosurgery and topical chemotherapy.
  • Treating carcinomas Squamous cell is performed in the same way as the treatment of basal cell carcinoma, considering the size, the location of the tumor and the age and the desires of the patient. Large squamous cell carcinomas are more difficult to treat and the recurrence rate of the most aggressive forms can be up to 50% for deep tumors, large. The following methods can be used to treat squamous cell carcinomas; simple excision, cryosurgery, Mohs surgery, radiation therapy, lymph node dissection and systemic chemotherapy.


The prognosis for skin cancer depends on many different factors, such as duration, complications, probable result, recovery, survival rates, mortality rates and other factors issues. With proper education, early diagnosis and intervention, the factors surrounding the outlook for skin cancer can change and are unique to each person.

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